
Either on ClickOnce or Visual Studio Installer I use "DotNetFX45" and "SQLLocalDB2014 (x86 & x64)" as prerequisites. All these files are included inside the SETUP folder (Hence, no internet connection is requiered by end-user).

The problem comes because SETUP always tries to install SQLLocalDB whether is already installed on PC or not.

So, when it starts to install SQLLocalDB an error shows up like this: "This software is already installed on PC. Install abort"... Installer ends and not continue with my App install proccess.

I thought the installer should verify if prerequisites are already installed on PC in order to ask to end-user to install it. And whatever happens then proceed to install my App.

Is there any way to fix it?

How to let user to choose what prerequisite install or even better, how to set SETUP be able to verify what prerequisite is needed?
