windows 7, 64 bit, MSVS 2010, SP1

I am trying to get data from a serial port and store in a file. So far I have been able to get the data sent from my serial device onto a text box of the PC application written in **Windows Form application with C++**. The segment of the relevant code is show below:

**Code #1**

// Read button --------------------------------------
//this will start the asyn for backgroundwork
private: System::Void button3_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {

// check if port is ready for reading
// Reset the text in the result label.
this->textBox2->Text = String::Empty;

// this will read manually

this->textBox2->Text="Timeout Exception";
// Disable the init button
// the asynchronous operation is done.
this->button2->Enabled = false;

this->ovalShape1->FillColor= Color::Green;

// give error warning
this->textBox2->Text="Port Not Opened";


The data is coming in textbox2 (in above code) and this the data I want to save in a text file.

Though I know how to write strings from structures or arrays into a file:

**Code #2**

string[] names = new string[] { "Ravi", "Kumar","sharma" };
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("names.txt"))
foreach (string s in names)

But I am unable to write the data coming from **serial port** in to a file instead of on textbox as my present **code #1** shows.

Please tell me what modifications in **Code# 1** will be required in order to save the data into a text file.
