Hi all,

While we were installing the map point 2011, I figured out that it do gives option to draw zones on map where ever we want as shown in picture (a), but if I want to draw more than 1 zone it doesn’t let me, as we can draw zones differently but cannot connect 1 zone to another…actually the purpose is to remove gap among plots. In picture (b) you can see the plots are drawn without gaps.
Can someone help me out giving me idea how to draw zone like picture (b). here is the code line to draw zone in map point 2011.

object shapeItem = 1;    
Shape objShape = axMappointControl1.ActiveMap.Shapes.get_Item(ref shapeItem); 
   if (objShape != null)  
   if (objShape.Type == GeoShapeType.geoTextBox || objShape.Type == GeoShapeType.geoFreeform)  
      {       List<Gen_Zone_PolyVertice> list = new List<Gen_Zone_PolyVertice>();   
         int? lineWeight = null;    
        int? lineForeColor = null;     
       System.Drawing.Color myColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;     
       int iRed = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(myColor);      
      string shapeType = "";           
 foreach (Shape shp in axMappointControl1.ActiveMap.Shapes) 
       if (shp.Line.ForeColor == iRed || shp.Name.ToString() == "text")     
             if (lineWeight == null)       
             lineWeight = shp.Line.Weight;    
      if (lineForeColor == null)      
       lineForeColor = shp.Line.ForeColor;  
      shapeType = "";     
   List<MapPoint.Location> locArr = ((object[])shp.Vertices).Select(c => (MapPoint.Location)c).ToList<MapPoint.Location>();    
    list.AddRange((from a in locArr   
select new Gen_Zone_PolyVertice     
            PostCode = "",     
    Latitude = a.Latitude,                            
     Longitude = a.Longitude                               
           catch (Exception ex)       
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