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- Visual C++ & C++ Programming
Forum: Visual C++ & C++ Programming
VC++ and C++ Topics
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Ask questions about Windows programming with Visual C++ and help others by answering their questions.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 256,867
- Posts: 970,669
MODERATED forums containing common questions and answers.
Ask or answer C and C++ questions not related to Visual C++. This includes Console programming, Linux programming, or general ANSI C++.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 37,339
- Posts: 247,819
Discuss Windows API related issues using C++ (and Visual C++). This is a non-MFC forum.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 10,855
- Posts: 51,559
Discuss Managed C++ and .NET-specific questions related to C++.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 5,022
- Posts: 16,558
Share bugs and fixes for source code on this site. Also use this to share bugs/fixes in the various class libraries etc. of use to VC++ developers. This is NOT for general programming questions.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 2,602
- Posts: 6,449
Forum for questions and discussions around Xamarin and cross platform solutions using Xamarin (does not have to be C++)
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Discussion graphics programming using C++. Valid topics include OpenGL, DirectX, GDI/GDI+, Aero, and more.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 3,225
- Posts: 10,421
Discuss multithreading issues and related topics.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 1,507
- Posts: 9,160
Chat about all aspects of network programming, including raw sockets, Winsock API, BSD sockets, MFC-based CSocket, CAsyncSocket, and other network-related topics.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 4,680
- Posts: 18,859
Discussions on the development of drivers.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 1,076
- Posts: 2,315
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