How to impliment scrollbar for Child Dialog in maindialog?
I have one main dialog. In that I have to show another child dialog. The child dialog's height is more than parent dialog. I have to impliment scrollbar. How to impliment. Seniors, any help. Thanks.
Re: How to impliment scrollbar for Child Dialog in maindialog?
You can do it hard way (if you want to learn how to handle scroll bats) or my MEMC way. Use form view as a child dialog and that is all you have to do.
See sample.
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who do not.
Re: How to impliment scrollbar for Child Dialog in maindialog?
I am very thank ful to you. Right now my child dialog is derived from my own dialog class named C3RUDialog. So now I will try with both views like I will derive my new class from CFormView as wall as C3RUDialog. Thank you for instant reply. It helps me a lot.
Re: How to impliment scrollbar for Child Dialog in maindialog?
Originally Posted by JohnCz
You can do it hard way (if you want to learn how to handle scroll bats) or my MEMC way. Use form view as a child dialog and that is all you have to do.
See sample.
Re: How to impliment scrollbar for Child Dialog in maindialog?
You made my day even 20 years later
The project cannot be opened in a newer Visual Studio (2022).
But the main thing how to create the CFormView as sub dialog is still the same. (Adding a Create method and using CRuntimeClass and CreateObject()...)
In my case it was also neccessary to set the dialog resource to set visible to false in the dialog properties. Otherwise the create failed and I got an assert in _AfxCheckDialogTemplate().
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