August 3rd, 2006, 09:27 PM
Matlab Help Forum
Hi all,
Does any1 know any Matlab help forum ? I'm in desperate need of help in Matlab Simulink.
August 4th, 2006, 01:38 AM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
You are in the wrong place to ask...anyway as I know Matlab official forum is the best place to visit.
September 21st, 2006, 09:56 PM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
My personal favorite is http://www.kluid.com its a really good site for Matlab help, check if they are back on. Mathworks is also a good one.
 Originally Posted by pc_newbies
Hi all,
Does any1 know any Matlab help forum ? I'm in desperate need of help in Matlab Simulink.
June 4th, 2014, 12:24 PM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
Can anyone tell what is wrong with this code.... thanks in advance.../\
clear all
syms Rx2 Rx3 tt2 Ry2 Ry3 tt3 Rx4 Ry4 tt4 %symbolic representation
a=input('l1 l2 l3 l4 []');
w=input('enter the value of angular velocity'); %input the angular velocity
t=0; %time
delta=zeros(9,1); %initialise the matrix as zeros
initial=[1.1 0.7 (30*pi)/180 5.5 1.9 (353*pi)/180 6.6 1.1 (330*pi)/180]';%initial from solidworks
for i=1:1:1000 %i from 1 to 100
Cn=[ Rx2-(l2/2)*cos(tt2); %constraints
Cq=jacobian(Cn,[Rx2 Ry2 tt2 Rx3 Ry3 tt3 Rx4 Ry4 tt4]);%symbolic jacobian
Cq=subs(Cq,{Rx2 Ry2 tt2 Rx3 Ry3 tt3 Rx4 Ry4 tt4},initial'); %substitute into jacobian
Cn=subs(Cn,{Rx2 Ry2 tt2 Rx3 Ry3 tt3 Rx4 Ry4 tt4},initial');%substitute into constraints
delta=-(Cq\Cn); %find the delta matrix
%if(norm(anse)>1e6) %breaking condition for divergence
final=initial+delta; %values for next iteration
August 19th, 2014, 02:26 AM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
In the following link you can find an interesting piece of code to calculate easily the elastic response spectra, shock spectra, etc. of a given acceleration time-history of an earthquake. Apart from this, with the Elastic Response Spectrum (ERS) function you can perform dynamic response spectrum analysis of single or multi degree of freedom (SDOF or MDOF) structures. Enjoy!
George Papazafeiropoulos
September 21st, 2014, 09:06 AM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
You should find lots of valuable code on the official website of mathworks. If you are still stuck i have used a website homeworkhelponline.net, im not sure if they are trusted, but did the work for me.
March 10th, 2015, 01:32 PM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
Hi all,
Can you help me about connection matlab mobile with computer ? I tried I did all things but I am taking this message "Could not connect to the server" how can I solve this problem?
April 7th, 2015, 01:55 AM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
Dear friends
does any one help me in this problem
how can i create matlab code for charge simulation method of electric fields
May 17th, 2015, 11:51 AM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
I have a database with monthly yields for 17 maturities (91 observations) and I want to perform a forecast of the yield curve for 1m ahead through a Random Walk model. I would be very grateful if someone could help me with the code for this.
Thank you in advance!
November 18th, 2015, 07:51 AM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
Hi all
Someone uses the box PDE Matlab 2015?
It create charts, but I not found the calculated data... The program offers this data?
March 12th, 2018, 11:59 AM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
This code has no problems
You must define the variable a as a 1*4 matrix.
The time to run the calculation is high and you have to wait.
clear all
syms Rx2 Rx3 tt2 Ry2 Ry3 tt3 Rx4 Ry4 tt4 %symbolic representation
% a=input('l1 l2 l3 l4 []');
a=[1 2 3 4];
w=input('enter the value of angular velocity'); %input the angular velocity
t=0; %time
delta=zeros(9,1); %initialise the matrix as zeros
initial=[1.1 0.7 (30*pi)/180 5.5 1.9 (353*pi)/180 6.6 1.1 (330*pi)/180]';%initial from solidworks
for i=1:1:1000 %i from 1 to 100
Cn=[ Rx2-(l2/2)*cos(tt2); %constraints
Cq=jacobian(Cn,[Rx2 Ry2 tt2 Rx3 Ry3 tt3 Rx4 Ry4 tt4]);%symbolic jacobian
Cq=subs(Cq,{Rx2 Ry2 tt2 Rx3 Ry3 tt3 Rx4 Ry4 tt4},initial'); %substitute into jacobian
Cn=subs(Cn,{Rx2 Ry2 tt2 Rx3 Ry3 tt3 Rx4 Ry4 tt4},initial');%substitute into constraints
delta=-(Cq\Cn); %find the delta matrix
%if(norm(anse)>1e6) %breaking condition for divergence
final=initial+delta; %values for next iteration
support by پروژه متلب
April 5th, 2018, 04:16 AM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
I think here you can find an exhaustive amount of resources that can help you in matters related to MATLAB. In addition to the official forum MathWorks, there are also threads on Reddit and questions on Stack Overflow. On Reddit is very active discussion, so there you can find a lot of useful info. Also, if you need to get professional help, you can contact the specialists and check your assignments in order to get a feedback.
December 4th, 2018, 12:49 PM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
hello everyone,
I need to plot recieved power as a function of distance but i cant get the correct answer. may any one help me?
here is the equation:
r=[-1.3772 - 0.3563i -0.7217 + 0.1599i -0.6364 + 0.1913i -1.4569 - 0.4529i]
d=[204.2084 202.5438 200.1599 204.2084]
can anyone help me pleas?
what is the code for this?
i write a lot of code for that but all of them was wrong.
December 4th, 2018, 11:58 PM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
 Originally Posted by nima770
hello everyone,
I need to plot recieved power as a function of distance but i cant get the correct answer. may any one help me?
here is the equation:
r=[-1.3772 - 0.3563i -0.7217 + 0.1599i -0.6364 + 0.1913i -1.4569 - 0.4529i]
d=[204.2084 202.5438 200.1599 204.2084]
can anyone help me pleas?
what is the code for this?
i write a lot of code for that but all of them was wrong.
See post #12 for ideas on getting Matlab help.
February 8th, 2019, 05:07 AM
Re: Matlab Help Forum
 Originally Posted by cointer
I think here you can find an exhaustive amount of resources that can help you in matters related to MATLAB. In addition to the official forum MathWorks, there are also threads on Reddit and questions on Stack Overflow. On Reddit is very active discussion, so there you can find a lot of useful info. Also, if you need to get jungle gym, you can contact the specialists and check your assignments in order to get a feedback.
Wow, many thanks, really useful links.
Can you clarify what is your acc on Reddit?
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