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View Poll Results: Which version(s) of .NET do you MOST OFTEN develop in?

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  • .NET1.0 / VS 2002

    2 0.35%
  • .NET1.1 / VS 2003

    53 9.27%
  • .NET2.0 / VS 2005

    242 42.31%
  • .NET2.0 / VS 2005 (with .NET 3.0 extensions)

    58 10.14%
  • .NET3.5 / VS 2008

    178 31.12%
  • .NET4.0 / VS 2010

    124 21.68%
Multiple Choice Poll.
Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    .NET2.0 / VS2005 Developer

    WHEN YOU POST, PLEASE SAY WHAT VERSION OF .NET YOU USE (Read this before posting!)

    I'm sure everyone is aware of this, but I'll recap it anyway:

    Up to 2.0, each version of .NET framework was associated with a particular IDE:

    .NET 1.0 <-> VS 2002
    .NET 1.1 <-> VS 2003
    .NET 2.0 <-> VS 2005

    After this, things get a bit confused, because .NET 3.0 isn't truly a separate framework, and can be regarded as a set of extensions to .NET 2.0
    For this reason please dont just say "2005" is your version..

    Great changes are made between .NET framework versions, one particular example being the introduction of TableAdapters (.NET2) to replace DataAdapters (.NET1.1) and it really does change the way data access is done. For another example, it's no use me (on .NET2) recommending you (on .NET1.1) use a BackgroundWorker to perform a long running task and update a progress bar, because .NET1.1 doesnt have a BackgroundWorker as standard.

    For best results when asking a question here, PLEASE let us know what version of the framework you are using as it helps us to tailor our answers to your needs, without us always needing to ask what version youre on

    It wouldnt hurt to follow my example of putting your .NET version into your User Profile under the "Location" entry.. That way you dont have to remember to put it in every post you make

    ps: Don't reply to this thread, saying what version you use. Either write it in your location, signature, or topic title of every post you make.. Heck, make a GIF of it and set it as your avatar if you like.. Just put it somewhere visible so we can give you accurate advice!
    Last edited by cjard; June 20th, 2008 at 02:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Sunny South Africa

    Exclamation Re: WHEN YOU POST, PLEASE SAY WHAT VERSION OF .NET YOU USE (Read this before posting!

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: WHEN YOU POST, PLEASE SAY WHAT VERSION OF .NET YOU USE (Read this before posting!

    Voted for .NET4.0 / VS 2010, but it seems to be time to add .NET4.5 / VS 2013

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