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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Sunny South Africa

    Exclamation PLEASE SAY WHAT VERSION OF .NET YOU ARE USING (Read this for more info)

    Please specify the version of Visual Basic.NET / .NET Framework you are using when you post a question.

    There are other several ways to indicate your version of Visual Basic.NET to the other members :
    • Type the Visual Basic.NET / .NET Framework version in your post, along with the question.
    • You could also have a Thread Title containing the version of Visual Basic.NET / .NET Framework you are using, for example :
      [2003] DataGrid Columns.
    • Put the Version of .NET in your Signature. To do this follow these steps:
      • Click User CP (in the top left corner of your screen)
      • Once in your Control Panel, click Edit Signature
      • Insert your Visual Basic.NET / .NET Framework version in your signature
    • Put the version Information in your Location. To do this, follow these steps :

      • Click User CP (in the top left corner of your screen)
      • Select Edit Profile
      • In the Location Box (Where You Live)
      • Type in your Visual Basic.NET / .NET Framework version

    Doing any one of the above options clearly identifies your version information, and ensures that members give the correct answers.

    By not including version information, it will be assumed that Visual Basic .NET 2003 is used, and questions will be answered, based on Visual Basic. NET 2003 (.NET Framework 1.1)

    Please, specify your Visual Basic.NET / .NET Framework version when you post a question.

    Also note, when posting code, Please make use of
    tags, like:

       'Your nicely indented code goes here

    A list of usable tags can be found here

    Please also remember to mark your Thread as Resolved once you are satisfied with your answer(s). To do this, follow these steps :
    • Just above your first post in the thread, you will see a Toolbar item named Thread Tools
    • Click Thread Tools
    • Select Mark Thread As Resolved from the menu

    How does Reputation & Ratings work?

    Last edited by Steve R Jones; May 8th, 2021 at 10:07 AM.

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