As the announcement indicates - the site will be updated today. The site will be down for a short while in order to update the databases. My apologies for the down time.
Once the updates are applied, please let us know if you see any issues.
There will be some changes; however, these will be primarily to the main site. The forum software will get a bit of a face lift as well. While there will be functionailty changes on the main site, the forum will maintain its current functionality.
I can see strange colors, but I'm affraid that they are desired. Old color scheme was better. Why wasn't forum update to higher version? And I miss list of changes.
- button "Post replay" doesn't fit style of the page. There are artifacts on its edge and looks ugly at all.
- in single thread view, the background under posts in the part where is Post Reply button is dark blue, while in forum view is white, which seems to be better
- icons (new posts, no new postst) are style to old blue skin, don't fit new skin
(I'll keep posting new issues as I've found them).
Last edited by boudino; February 3rd, 2010 at 10:15 AM.
Reason: issue added
Button updates have not been posted by our admin. Those will update shortly.
As to the update - we primarily were focused on the main site. The forum only got a color change. In feedback from a test group, it was a draw on whether the new colors were good or bad on the forum. I guess everyone will let us know . If we get lots of negative feedback, then I'll ask Joe to create another skin or two that can be used by choice.
the new colors are so ugly the old theme was better.
I think I'll change the forum if it won't be possible to revert it (I mean configurable via user settings). I can't stand it
win7 x86, VS 2008 & 2010, C++/CLI, C#, .NET 3.5 & 4.0, VB.NET, VBA... WPF is comming
remeber to give feedback you think my response deserves recognition? perhaps you may want to click the Rate this post link/button and add to my reputation
private lessons are not an option so please don't ask for help in private, I won't replay
if you use Opera and you'd like to have the tab-button functionality for the texteditor take a look at my Opera Tab-UserScirpt; and if you know how to stop firefox from jumping to the next control when you hit tab let me know
Honestly, I think people are just afraid of change.
I love the new colours, call me crazy or weird or whatever, but I really do love the new colour scheme for the forums.
I think people should not only concentrate on the obvious - the colours, and look for all the other changes, such as :
The way articles are displayed - brilliant
The much improved easier article submission - brilliant
New additions to the site such as like the Daily News, and the Top Author section, great stuff guys!
Yes, it sucks. I just compared it to the previous theme I feel kinda lost and ..... Did we go back to the 90's
I don't know if I can get use to this. I am not afraid of change. I am afraid of making unnecessary changes . I don't use the main site. I use the forum, so what goes on there isn't much of a concern to me
then I'll have to see whether I can bring back the old colors with custom css in opera it shouldn't be so hard as I have some saved pages
win7 x86, VS 2008 & 2010, C++/CLI, C#, .NET 3.5 & 4.0, VB.NET, VBA... WPF is comming
remeber to give feedback you think my response deserves recognition? perhaps you may want to click the Rate this post link/button and add to my reputation
private lessons are not an option so please don't ask for help in private, I won't replay
if you use Opera and you'd like to have the tab-button functionality for the texteditor take a look at my Opera Tab-UserScirpt; and if you know how to stop firefox from jumping to the next control when you hit tab let me know
Let me first say that I think it's great that changes are made and there is a commitment to improve the site.
Now, I have some comments on the changes.
The new logo looks better, that's for sure. The green or olive or what the English name of the color is, well, it's different. The forum looks unfamiliar, but I guess it's only a matter of time until I forget how it was before. I can't say it's better or worse than before, though I personally prefer blue. But in this case, you should update the New Thread and Post Reply buttons. They are still blue and don't look that nice on the olive background. But again, I prefer the old blue.
On the main site I like the menu, and the box with most popular stories (top authors is also interesting). Also the page with My comments is nice to have. On the other hand there are two things that I don't like:
the new template has a fixed size and quite narrow (980) pixels. there is a lot of unused space on my screen, with two blue bands (the background); that could have been used for displaying the article. As it is now, I find it too narrow, and the most affected are the code blocks.
talking about code blocks, the squared brushed background (that looks like a math notebook) is not very appealing in my opinion. The code doesn't look very distinctive. It used to be like that (and it's the same on most of the web sites), but now it's no longer like that. And the selection of the text is not very good. Only the font color changes. It's not very intuitive.
Here are some bugs that I found:
I have noticed a problem when changing the font size. After increasing it once and then decreasing it once, the font did not have the original size. The the picture.
In the top authors box, the Most articles show "Marius Bancila: 104 articles". I know for sure I didn't publish that many articles, so that must be a mistake there.
Last edited by cilu; February 3rd, 2010 at 03:24 PM.
Well the idea is it is supposed to look like it belongs to the main site. The color scheme should carry throughout so that there's a cohesive appearance between all the pages of the site.
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