Hello, Ive been working on this inventory for practice for quite some time now and this is the last thing i need to do ive been trying everything i know to get it to work. which is adjusting the supply for each item. I have gotten options 1 and 2 to work and save in thefile i close and open the file and press option 2 and the data saved in the file show up and it works. But when i try to edit the inventory(option 3) it doesnt work it wont save in the file and if it does the numbers are rediculous.

Lines 81 - 148.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;

void addInventory()
     char filename[20];
     string Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, Item5, choice5;
     unsigned int choice, choice2, choice3, choice4, s,s1, s2, s3, s4, answer,answer1,answer2, answer3,answer4, answer5;
               cout << "\nAdd Item 1 ";
               cin >> Item1;
               cout << "Add Item 2 ";
               cin >> Item2;
               cout << "Add Item 3 ";
               cin >> Item3;
               cout << "Add Item 4 ";
               cin >> Item4;
               cout << "Add Item 5 ";
               cin >> Item5;
               cout << "\n\nItem Quantity\n\n"; // choosing quantities for items named above                                         
               cout << Item1 << ": ";
               cin >> s;
               cout << Item2 << ": ";
               cin >> s1;
               cout << Item3 << ": ";
               cin >> s2;
               cout << Item4 << ": ";
               cin >> s3;
               cout << Item5 << ": ";
               cin >> s4; 
               cout << "\nUpdating Darkroom Inventory.... \n";// printing out items and quantities
               cout << Item1 << ": " << s << endl;
               cout << Item2 << ": " << s1 << endl;
               cout << Item3 << ": " << s2 << endl;
               cout << Item4 << ": " << s3 << endl;
               cout << Item5 << ": " << s4 << endl;
               cout << "\nEnter the name of the file you want your data to be saved in." << endl;
               cin >> filename;
               ofstream Inventory(filename, ios::out);
               Inventory << Item1 << ": " << s << "\n";
               Inventory << Item2 << ": " << s1 << "\n";
               Inventory << Item3 << ": " << s2 << "\n";
               Inventory << Item4 << ": " << s3 << "\n";
               Inventory << Item5 << ": " << s4 << endl;
void checkInventory()
     string Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, Item5, choice5;
     unsigned int choice, choice2, choice3, choice4, s,s1, s2, s3, s4, answer,answer1,answer2, answer3,answer4, answer5;
                     ifstream filename("inventory.txt");
                     if (filename.is_open()){
                                                                    getline(filename, Item1);
                                                                    getline(filename, Item2);
                                                                    getline(filename, Item3);
                                                                    getline(filename, Item4);
                                                                    getline(filename, Item5);
                                                                    if (!filename.good()) break;
                                                                    cout << Item1 << ": " << endl;
                                                                    cout << Item2 << ": " << endl;
                                                                    cout << Item3 << ": " << endl;
                                                                    cout << Item4 << ": " << endl;
                                                                    cout << Item5 << ": " << endl;

                                             }else { 
                                                   cout << "\nNo Inventory Added\n";
void editInventory()
     string Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, Item5, choice5;
     unsigned int choice, choice2, choice3, choice4, choices, s,s1, s2, s3, s4, answer,answer1,answer2, answer3,answer4, answer5;
          cout << "Edit Inventory" << endl;        
          cout << "\n1. Add to inventory\n";
          cout << "2. Subtract from inventory\n" << endl;
          cin >> choices;
          if (choices == 1){      
                      cout << "\nHow much do you want to add to Item 1 " << Item1 << endl;
                      cin >> answer;
                      cout << Item1 << s + answer << endl;
                      cout << "How much do you want to add to Item 2 " << Item2 << endl;
                      cin >> answer2;
                      cout << s1 + answer2 << endl;
                      cout << "How much do you want to add to Item 3 " << Item3 << endl;
                      cin >> answer3;
                      cout << s2 + answer3 << endl;
                      cout << "How much do you want to add to Item 4 " << Item4 << endl;
                      cin >> answer4;
                      cout << s3 + answer4 << endl;
                      cout << "How much do you want to add to Item 5 " << Item5 << endl;
                      cin >> answer5;
                      cout << s4 + answer5 << endl;
                      ofstream Inventory("inventory.txt", ios::in);
                      Inventory << Item1 << ": " << s - answer << endl;
                      Inventory << Item2 << ": " << s1 - answer2 << endl;
                      Inventory << Item3 << ": " << s2 - answer3 << endl;
                      Inventory << Item4 << ": " << s3 - answer4 << endl;
                      Inventory << Item5 << ": " << s4 - answer5 << endl;
                      }else {  

                      cout << "\nHow much do you want to subtract to Item 1 " << Item1 << endl;
                      cin >> answer;
                      cout << s - answer << endl;
                      cout << "How much do you want to subtract to Item 2 " << Item2 << endl;
                      cin >> answer2;
                      cout << s1 - answer2 << endl;
                      cout << "How much do you want to subtract to Item 3 " << Item3 << endl;
                      cin >> answer3;
                      cout << s2 - answer3 << endl;
                      cout << "How much do you want to subtract to Item 4 " << Item4 << endl;
                      cin >> answer4;
                      cout << s3 - answer4 << endl;
                      cout << "How much do you want to subtract to Item 5 " << Item5 << endl;
                      cin >> answer5;
                      cout << s4 - answer5 << endl;
                      ofstream Inventory("inventory.txt", ios::in);
                      Inventory << Item1 << ": " << s - answer << endl;
                      Inventory << Item2 << ": " << s1 - answer2 << endl;
                      Inventory << Item3 << ": " << s2 - answer3 << endl;
                      Inventory << Item4 << ": " << s3 - answer4 << endl;
                      Inventory << Item5 << ": " << s4 - answer5 << endl;

int main()
    cout << "Login" << endl;
    int exit;
    string user, password;
    cout << "\nUsername: ";
    cin >> user;
    cout << "\nPassword: ";
    cin >> password;
    if (user == "Darkroom" && password == "bluemoon"){
             cout << "Access Granted" << endl;
             cout << "Logging on..." << endl;
             }else {
                   cout << "Accessed Denied Please Exit the program." << endl;
                   cout << "Press 1 to Exit the Program.\t";
                   cin >> exit;
                   if (exit == 1){
    int choice, choice2;          
    do {
    cout << "Darkroom Inventory Version 1.\n\n";      
    cout << "1. Add Inventory\n";
    cout << "2. Check Inventory\n";
    cout << "3. Edit Inventory\n";
    cin >> choice;
    switch ( choice ) {
           case 1: addInventory(); break;
           case 2: checkInventory();break;
           case 3: editInventory(); break;
    cout << "\n\n\n\n1.Main Menu\n";
    cout << "2.Exit \n";
    cin >> choice2;
}while (choice2 ==1);
    if(choice2 == 2){
    char response;
    cin >> response;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;