I have a COM Automation class that impelents a dispatch interface and coclass, and this project generates an ODL file that, in turn, generates a .tlb file (TypeLib). In the ODL file, I see something like this:

	[ uuid(C16B1CA2-35E3-4DF8-A4B0-51D69719A8FE) ]
	dispinterface IMyClassProxy
			[id(1), helpstring("property P1")] VARIANT P1;
			[id(2), helpstring("property P2")] LONG P2;
Now, in another application, I access the TypeLib generated by the first via ITypeLib, ITypeIfno, TYPEATTR. Using these various interfaces and structures I am able to get just about anything at all out of the type library: properties, methods, paramters, return types, etc. - EXCEPT the name of the dispatch interface (for example, IMyClassProxy in the above).

Can anyone tell me ho to get this name from any of the interfaces I have mentioned above - or related interfaces and structures?