September 2nd, 2011, 08:03 AM
Ajax query, Javascript and Sharepoint
Hello everyone.
I am struggling with a sharepoint project containing Ajax query. I am fairly new in C#/Ajax/Sharepoint development and don't a clear understanding.
I am working on a bug. The scenario is as following. There is a small form which is saving information or is supposed to save information. Instead I am getting an error
Sys.ArgumentUndefinedException: Value cannot be undefined. Parameter name:method
The last code line from following is causing the error
function saveOrderSucceeded(sender, args) {
if ($("#" + ddOrderLiftingId).val() != "") {
try {
var list = currentWeb.get_lists().getByTitle('Person');
var listItem = list.getItemById($("#" + ddOrderLiftingId).val());
currentSPContext.load(listItem, 'WorkPhone', 'CellPhone');
currentSPContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(listItem, function () {
var item = this.get_fieldValues();
var phoneNumbers = [];
if (item.WorkPhone != null)
if (item.CellPhone != null)
if (phoneNumbers.length > 0)
$("#" + orderLiftingPhoneId).html("Phone. " + phoneNumbers.join(", "));
Function.createDelegate(this, this.ajaxQueryFailed)); //error occurs in here. Below is the function where this is pointing to.
function ajaxQueryFailed(sender, args) {
I debugged this by using Firebug and it shows that 'ajaxQueryFailed', when executed is 'undefined'. I don't know how to start solving this. Help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
September 2nd, 2011, 09:32 AM
Re: Ajax query, Javascript and Sharepoint
Maybe, a right parenthesis is missing in:
currentSPContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(listItem, function () {
N.B. Please, place your lines of code between [code] and [/code].
Last edited by olivthill2; September 2nd, 2011 at 09:38 AM.
September 5th, 2011, 02:08 AM
Re: Ajax query, Javascript and Sharepoint
Thanks for th reply olivthill and advices.
I Believe the code has all the brackets correctly
currentSPContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(listItem, function () {
Function.createDelegate(this, this.ajaxQueryFailed));
September 5th, 2011, 04:44 AM
Re: Ajax query, Javascript and Sharepoint
The same query is working on the same file in following code
function getLatestWorksite() {
try {
var query = camlQueryLatestWorksite.format(currentUserId);
var list = currentWeb.get_lists().getByTitle("Work sites");
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
var items = list.getItems(camlQuery);
currentSPContext.load(items, 'Include(ID, Title, WorkSiteRegistry_CustomerID, WorkSiteRegistry_Address, CustomerID, CustomerName)');
currentSPContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(items, this.populateLatestWorksite),
Function.createDelegate(this, this.ajaxQueryFailed));
} catch (e) {
But I am not able to figure out the differency that is relevant in this case.
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