I am currently studying Programming in Visual Basic 2010 by Julia Case Bradley and Anita Millspaugh..


If anyone could find the review question answers for me that would be a huge help. The review questions are at the end of each chapter.

Here are all my review questions I need answered for Chapter 2:

1. You can display program output in a text box or a label. When should you
use a text box? When is a label appropriate?
2. What would be the advantage of using a masked text box rather than a
text box?
3. When would it be appropriate to use a rich text box instead of a text box?
4. What properties of a TextBox and RichTextBox must be set to allow a long
Text property to wrap to multiple lines?
5. How does the behavior of radio buttons differ from the behavior of check
6. If you want two groups of radio buttons on a form, how can you make the
groups operate independently?
7. Explain how to make a graphic appear in a picture box control.
8. Describe how to select several labels and set them all to 12-point font size
at once.
9. What is the purpose of keyboard access keys? How can you define them in
your project? How do they operate at run time?
10. Explain the purpose of the AcceptButton and CancelButton properties of
the form. Give an example of a good use for each.
11. What is the focus? How can you control which object has the focus?
12. Assume you are testing your project and don’t like the initial position of
the insertion point. Explain how to make the insertion point appear in a
different text box when the program begins.
13. During program execution, you want to return the insertion point to a
text box called addressTextBox. What statement will you use to make
that happen?
14. What is a ToolTip? How can you make a ToolTip appear?
15. What statements will clear the current contents of a text box and a label?
16. What is concatenation and when would it be useful?

I don't mind GIVING the person something for taking the time to do these.