I'm making a server/client project where a client can connect to my server and be able to chat and stuff.

I seem to be having trouble with something that confuses me. If I connect my client to the server, then exit the client, and then try to re-connect, I get an error saying "cannot access a disposed object".

This is my code right here

public static void ClientThread(TcpClient nClient)
            while (nClient.Connected)
                if (nClient.Client.Poll(20, SelectMode.SelectRead) == true && nClient.Available == 0) //To handle D/C
                    break; //Exit loop
                if (nClient.Available > 0)
and this is where I seem to get my error

if (nClient.Client.Poll(20, SelectMode.SelectRead) == true && nClient.Available == 0) //To handle D/C
Sockets and TcpClients really confuse me so if someone could help me out that would be awesome!