It's the first time I post at your forum..
I can clearly understand how to pass a dynamic array to a function and modified within the function..
My aim is to get back the array initialized as I am trying on the next sample of code..
Any help would mean a lot to me!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

#define N	3	//number of bodies

void initialise( double *M[], double *X[], double *y[])
	*M[1]=0.001; *M[2]= 0.002; *M[3]= 1.;	//Masses (the last body must be the gratest)

	*X[0]=0.;				//Time
	*X[1]=0.9741; *X[2]=0.; *X[3]=0.1; 	//x,y,z for body 1 MOON
	*X[4]=2.2933; *X[5]=0.; *X[6]=1.; 	//x,y,z for body 2 EARTH
	*X[7]=0.0055607; *X[8]=0.; *X[9]=0.0021;//x,y,z for body 3 SUN

	*X[10]=0.2; *X[11]=1.0327; *X[12]=0.0005; 	//Vx,Vy,Vz for body 1
	*X[13]=0.1; *X[14]=0.6320; *X[15]=0.0005; 	//Vx,Vy,Vz for body 2 
	*X[16]=0.01; *X[17]=0.0022967; *X[18]=0.0000015;//Vx,Vy,Vz for body 3 
	for ( int i=0; i<=3*(N-1); ++i ) 	         *y[i] = *X[i];
	for ( int i=3*(N-1)+1; i<=6*(N-1); ++i ) *y[i] = *X[i+3];

int main()
	double *M=new double[N+1];		//the masses of the bodies
	double *X=new double[6*N+1];		//time,positions,velocities of N bodies
	double *y=new double[6*(N-1)+1];	//time,positions,velocities of N-1 bodies

	initialise( &M, &X, &y);

	for (int i=0; i<=6*N; ++i) cout<<X[i]<<endl;

return 0;