
I've got the following code which demonstrates a problem and am hoping someone can explain:

struct A
    double x[2];
    double i;
struct B : virtual public A
    double y[2];
int main(void)
    B test;
    test.x[0] = 300;
    test.i    = -5;
    A const * const pA = &test;
    B const * const pB = &test;
    bool      const b  = reinterpret_cast<int const *>(pA)
                      != reinterpret_cast<int const *>(pB); // As expected
    double (B::*pmemberBBi)    = &B::i;
    double (B::*pmemberBBx)[2] = &B::x;
    double (A::*pmemberABx)[2] = &B::x;
    double const * const pBBi_B = &(pB->*pmemberBBi); // Valid pointer even though pointer to derived
    double const * const pBB_B  = pB->*pmemberBBx   ; // Null pointer, but why if the previous line worked?
    double const * const pAB_B  = pB->*pmemberABx   ; // Works (pointer to base)
    double bbi_b = pB->*pmemberBBi    ; // Works fine even though it is pointer to derived
    double bb_b  = (pB->*pmemberBBx)[0]; // Crash, but why if the previous line worked?
    double ab_b  = (pB->*pmemberABx)[0]; // Works (pointer to base)
    return 0;
I'm wondering if this is a compiler bug. Why doesn't the pointer-to-(derived)-member work for the array if it works for the non-array?
