I am attempting to create a program that reads numbers and either classifies them as a prime, or prints their prime divisors. I have most of the program done, however, I have been stuck on the final 2 parts for a long time now and my professor doesnt have office hours today, so I cant ask him.

// DO: 1. Fill in your name and section
// Name:   
// Course:  
// Purpose: This program reads numbers and either classifies them as
//          prime or prints their prime divisors.  The program quits 
//          when the user enters a number less than the First Prime, 
//          which is 2.
// Input:   An integer
// Output:  For each input number
//              Display a message if the input number is a prime.
//              Print all prime divisors if the input number is not
//              prime.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>	// cmath is needed for the sqrt() function
using namespace std;

const int FIRST_PRIME = 2;

// DO: 2. Complete the prototype for IsPrime.
//        HINT: See function definition below.
bool IsPrime( int num );

bool IsAPrimeDivisor( int candidate, int number );

// DO: 3. Complete the prototoype for PrintPrimeDivisors.
//        HINT: See the function definition below and 
//              the call to the function in main().
void PrintPrimeDivisors( int number );

int main()
   int number;

   cout << "Enter a number: ";
   cin  >> number;
   cout << endl;
   while( number >= FIRST_PRIME )
      // DO: 4. Complete the NEXT line by adding a call to
      //        the IsPrime function.
      //        HINT:  Look at the function definition for
      //               the parameter. Also look at the return
      //               for IsPrime() for use in the If 
      //               conditional.    
      if( IsPrime(number)                )
         cout << number << " is prime." << endl;
         cout << "Prime divisors of " << number << ":" << endl;
         PrintPrimeDivisors( number );

      cout << "\nEnter a number: ";
      cin  >> number;
	  cout << endl;
   }  // End of while loop

   cout << "\nCompleted processing!";

   return 0;
} // End of main()

// IsPrime: returns true if given number is prime, false otherwise.
//          Note: a number is prime if no value between 2 and
//                the square root of the number is a factor.
// Parameter: (in)
bool IsPrime( int num )
   int limit;

   // DO: 5. Complete the next line by calling the sqrt() function 
   //		 from <cmath> to find the largest number that needs to
   //		 be examined.  
   limit = int (sqrt(num));

   int count = FIRST_PRIME;
   while( count <= limit )
      if( num % count == 0 )
         return false;  // num is not prime!
   return true;			// num is prime!
} // end of IsPrime()

// DO: 6. Complete the following function definition 
//        so it matches its specification.
// IsAPrimeDivisor: returns IF candidate divides number evenly
//                             AND candidate is prime, then return true;
//                          OTHERWISE the candidate is not prime 
//                             then the function returns false.
// Parameters: (in, in)
bool IsAPrimeDivisor(    int candidate        ,   int number          )
	if ( candidate % 2 == 0 )                                           
   return (  true);
		return ( false );

} // end of IsAPrimeDivisor()

// DO: 7. Complete the following function definition 
//        using the following pseudocode:
//        for each value between FIRST_PRIME and half of the
//              <target>, which we refer to as the <limit>, (inclusive)
//           if the value Is A Prime Divisor of the target
//              print the value followed by a space
//        print an endl (end of line marker)
// Note that this is a count-controlled loop problem.
// Be sure you call IsAPrimeDivisor() in the if statement.
// PrintPrimeDivisors: find and print the prime divisors of target
// Parameter: (in)
void PrintPrimeDivisors(int target)
   const int limit = target / 2;

   int primeCandidate  = FIRST_PRIME;
   while( primeCandidate  <= limit )
      // DO: 7A. Complete the if condition as described above 	
      if( IsAPrimeDivisor()            )
         // DO: 7B. Complete the cout as described above.
         cout <<         << " ";
      // DO: 7C increment the loop counter.

   } // end of for loop

   cout << endl;

} // end of PrintPimeDivisors() function
I am particularly confused about the below code. I have read the textbook chapters on the subject and played around with various code. I have next to no idea how to solve this last part and looking at various examples online have provided little to no help to me.
// DO: 6. Complete the following function definition 
//        so it matches its specification.
// IsAPrimeDivisor: returns IF candidate divides number evenly
//                             AND candidate is prime, then return true;
//                          OTHERWISE the candidate is not prime 
//                             then the function returns false.
// Parameters: (in, in)
bool IsAPrimeDivisor(       ,       )

} // end of IsAPrimeDivisor()

// DO: 7. Complete the following function definition 
//        using the following pseudocode:
//        for each value between FIRST_PRIME and half of the
//              <target>, which we refer to as the <limit>, (inclusive)
//           if the value Is A Prime Divisor of the target
//              print the value followed by a space
//        print an endl (end of line marker)
// Note that this is a count-controlled loop problem.
// Be sure you call IsAPrimeDivisor() in the if statement.
// PrintPrimeDivisors: find and print the prime divisors of target
// Parameter: (in)
void PrintPrimeDivisors(int target)
   const int limit = target / 2;

   int primeCandidate  = FIRST_PRIME;
   while( primeCandidate  <= limit )
      // DO: 7A. Complete the if condition as described above 	
      if( IsAPrimeDivisor()            )
         // DO: 7B. Complete the cout as described above.
         cout <<         << " ";
      // DO: 7C increment the loop counter.

   } // end of for loop

   cout << endl;

} // end of PrintPimeDivisors() function
Any help or examples anyone could point me to would be greatly appreciated. thank you.