In the following code, I am trying to to sPolicyRule to cIpAddressPolicyRulesInfo which gets added..But somehow the outer class(or map) doesnot get updated i.e the class CPCRF::m_mIMSI2ApnPolicyRuleInfo

map<string, APN2PolicyRules>::iterator iTer = CPCRF::m_mIMSI2ApnPolicyRuleInfo.find(sImsi);

										APN2PolicyRules cApn2PolicyRulesInfo = iTer->second;

										APN2PolicyRules::iterator iTerApn = cApn2PolicyRulesInfo.find(sApn);

										IPAddressPolicyRulesInfo cIpAddressPolicyRulesInfo = iTerApn->second;

										PolicyRuleInfo sPolicyRule(stQoSInfo, stTFT);

										cIpAddressPolicyRulesInfo.addPolicycyRule(sDedicatedBearerId, sPolicyRule);
Iam in hurry so any help clues are much appreciated.

When i gdb policyRules has two map elements, but the main class has only one..

(gdb) p cIpAddressPolicyRulesInfo
$3 = {sIpAddress = {<CIPAType> = {_vptr.CIPAType = 0xa4885a8},
m_bIsNull = false, m_nA = 10 '\n', m_nB = 4 '\004', m_nC = 1 '\001',
m_nD = 10 '\n'}, policyRules = std::map with 2 elements = {[
"PolicyRule_Voice_C"] = {stBearerQoS = {nQCI = 5, nMaxUlBitRate = 31,
nMaxDlBitRate = 31, nGuarUlBitRate = 31, nGuarDlBitRate = 31,
nPriorityLevel = 15, bPreEmptionCapabilityEnabled = false,
bPreEmptionVulnerabilityEnabled = true, bQoSModified = false},
stTFTInfo = {static IPV4CompLen = 9 '\t', static PiNhCompLen = 2 '\002',
static SinglePortCompLen = 3 '\003',
static PortRangeCompLen = 5 '\005',
static TypeOfServiceCompLen = 3 '\003',
static FilterHdrLen = 3 '\003', nTFTLen = 0, eOpCode = 145520760,
bEBit = false, nNumPktFilters = 0 '\000',
mFilterId2TFTFilters = std::map with 0 elements,
vTFTParams = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0}}, ["ded1"] = {
stBearerQoS = {nQCI = 1, nMaxUlBitRate = 31, nMaxDlBitRate = 31,
nGuarUlBitRate = 31, nGuarDlBitRate = 31, nPriorityLevel = 15,
bPreEmptionCapabilityEnabled = false,
bPreEmptionVulnerabilityEnabled = true, bQoSModified = false},
stTFTInfo = {static IPV4CompLen = 9 '\t', static PiNhCompLen = 2 '\002',
static SinglePortCompLen = 3 '\003',
static PortRangeCompLen = 5 '\005',
static TypeOfServiceCompLen = 3 '\003',
static FilterHdrLen = 3 '\003', nTFTLen = 12,
eOpCode = TFTInfo::CreateNewTFT, bEBit = false,
nNumPktFilters = 1 '\001',
mFilterId2TFTFilters = std::map with 1 elements = {[0 '\000'] = {
eDirection = TFTInfo:IR_BI, nEvaluation = 0 '\000',
nFilterLen = 9 '\t',
mFilterCompId2TFTComponents = std::map with 1 elements = {
[16] = std::vector of length 8, capacity 8 = {192 '\300',
168 '\250', 21 '\025', 29 '\035', 255 '\377', 255 '\377',
255 '\377', 0 '\000'}}}},
vTFTParams = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0}}}}

(gdb) p CPCRF::m_mIMSI2ApnPolicyRuleInfo
$2 = std::map with 1 elements = {
["111110000000002"] = std::map with 1 elements = {
["ims"] = {sIpAddress = {<CIPAType> = {_vptr.CIPAType = 0xa4885a8},
m_bIsNull = false, m_nA = 10 '\n', m_nB = 4 '\004', m_nC = 1 '\001',
m_nD = 10 '\n'}, policyRules = std::map with 1 elements = {[
"PolicyRule_Voice_C"] = {stBearerQoS = {nQCI = 5, nMaxUlBitRate = 31,
nMaxDlBitRate = 31, nGuarUlBitRate = 31, nGuarDlBitRate = 31,
nPriorityLevel = 15, bPreEmptionCapabilityEnabled = false,
bPreEmptionVulnerabilityEnabled = true, bQoSModified = false},
stTFTInfo = {static IPV4CompLen = 9 '\t',
static PiNhCompLen = 2 '\002',
static SinglePortCompLen = 3 '\003',
static PortRangeCompLen = 5 '\005',
static TypeOfServiceCompLen = 3 '\003',
static FilterHdrLen = 3 '\003', nTFTLen = 0, eOpCode = 145520760,
bEBit = false, nNumPktFilters = 0 '\000',
mFilterId2TFTFilters = std::map with 0 elements,
vTFTParams = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0}}}}

thanks a lot in advance for the help