I am trying to configure a flowscope in jsf using a @FlowSoped bean, using a xml file called registration-flow inside the registration folder it works properly
HTML Code:
<flow-definition id="registration">
    <view id="registration">
    <flow-return id="taskReturnIndex">
    <flow-return id="taskDone">

    <flow-call id="taskSchedule">

But when i remove this and i try to configure it using a java class it doesn't work and i have Unable to find matching navigation case with from-view-id '/index.xhtml' for action 'registration' with outcome 'registration'

public class Registration implements Serializable{

    public Flow defineFlow(@FlowBuilderParameter FlowBuilder flowBuilder){

        String flowId= "registration";
        flowBuilder.id("", flowId);

        flowBuilder.viewNode(flowId, "/"+flowId+"/"+flowId+".xhtml")
        flowBuilder.viewNode("confirm-id", "/"+flowId+"/confirm.xhtml");
        flowBuilder.viewNode("thanks-id", "/"+flowId+"/thanks.xhtml");


                .flowReference("", "schedule")
                .outboundParameter("nameparam", "#{registrationBean.name}")
                .outboundParameter("surnameparam", "#{registrationBean.surname}")
                .outboundParameter("registrationcode", "349CF0Y0122");

        return flowBuilder.getFlow();


It really looks like it doesn't get recognized as flowBean, i got the example from a book and it's the same so the code of the java class should be correct, why is it not working ?