I wasn't sure if I should post it in the Java or Multithreading thread.

So I have to make a Parallel Linear Search program with 2 threads and then return where it was found in the array. the user can see what is in the array and the enter a number.

The problem I am having is, I'm not getting the results I should be getting. When I search for an object in the first half the array I can get bad results.

For example:

11 0 18 3 4 9 1 4 18 19
Enter the search value: 0

Target was not found

Now if I search for in the second half I get

16 17 11 0 6 18 12 4 3 0
Enter the search value: 4

Target was found at 3

Which is correct, but only partially correct. The real location is 8. I attempt to try and add 5 to the location found in the second half within the second thread.

Here is my code

package ParLin;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;

public class ParLinSearch {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		int i; //loop control variable
		int[] ranArray, firstHalf ,secondHalf; //declare 3 arrays
		//initialize array sizes
		ranArray = new int[10];
		firstHalf = new int[5];
		secondHalf = new int[5];
		Random ranGen = new Random();
		Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
		//Build array of random integers
		for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){
			int ran = ranGen.nextInt(20); //Randomly generates number (0 - 19)
			ranArray[i] = ran; //add number to array
			System.out.print(ran + " "); //print out array value
		System.out.print("Enter the search value: ");//user prompt
		int target = scan.nextInt();
		//Split array in half for the threads to search
		System.arraycopy(ranArray, 0, firstHalf, 0, 5);
		System.arraycopy(ranArray, 5, secondHalf, 0, 5);
		//Create 2 threads and start passing over each of the array
		Thread1 t1 = new Thread1(firstHalf, target);
		Thread1 t2 = new Thread1(secondHalf, target);
		try {
			t1.join();//bring back the values from thread 1
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
		try {
			t2.join();//bring back the values from thread 2
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
		if(t1.getCheck() == 0){//it was found
		System.out.println("Target was found at " + t1.getLocation());//print where it was found
		else if(t2.getCheck() == 0 && t1.getCheck() == 1){
			int location2 = t2.getLocation();
			location2 += 5;
			System.out.println("Target was found at " + location2);//print where it was found
		if (t1.getCheck() == 1 && t2.getCheck() == 1){//wasn't found
			System.out.println("Target was not found");//let the user know

Thread1 class

package ParLin;

public class Thread1 extends Thread{
	private static int check;
	private static int location;
	public int[] thread1Half;//half of array to search
	public int target1;//target value
	public Thread1(int[] firstHalf, int target) {
		//constructor for firstHalf and target
		this.thread1Half = firstHalf;//copy array
		this.target1 = target;//copy target

	public void run(){
		check =1;//1 if not found, 0 if found
		location = 0;//location of where the value was
		for(int i =0; i < 5; i++){
			if (thread1Half[i] == target1){//if the value at the current location is there
				location = i;//location equal to i
				location++;//make the location more realistic than array location
				check = 0;//change check to = 0 so can report back it was found
				break;//break and return back to the main
			}//end if
		}//end for
	}//end run method
	public int getCheck(){
		return this.check;
	public int getLocation(){
		return this.location;
}//end Thread1 class