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    Join Date
    Sep 2000

    Post Articles Wanted: <Information>

    Going forward, we're going to start posting more specific ideas for articles into this forum. Ia topic you know is listed, and if you are interested in writing, then go for it! You can write the article and submit it via to be posted on the site. When you submit, respond to the thread saying you've submitted an article on the topic.

    We'll post new threads with the tag "Article Wanted" and then the topic. Of course, we are always interested in contributed articles on C#, .NET, Visual Studio, C++, VB, mobile development, and really about anything else that is coding-centric and aimed at developers!

    As a few notes -

    We don't post marketing, so if you write an article with the intent of promoting your product, site or service, then we'll likely notice that and reject the article. (I state this because a lot of marketing people like to submit articles).

    You'll need to be able to give us exclusive rights to post the content. Because search engines (SEO) don't like duplicate content, we are looking at exclusivity now.

    You can use the submission form; however, you should still email us to let us know you submitted. If you use email, then you can simply send the article in HTML or Word format, which is easier than the formatting for the online form!

    We schedule the posting of articles. As such, your article will be reviewed and edited prior to being posted.

    Just because someone else has submitted doesn't mean you can't. If you see that someone submitted on a topic, look for it on the site. Rather than writing the same thing, look for a different angle to the topic!

    General permissions you give when submitting an article can be found at

    General guidelines can be found at (these need updated, but should help):
    Last edited by Brad Jones; March 2nd, 2017 at 11:08 AM.
    Brad! Jones,
    Yowza Publishing
    LotsOfSoftware, LLC


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