Hi I am new here I am have some trouble with my program. I can seem to figure out why I am getting this long random negative number when I am trying to get the total possible points based on the point value of the question in the file. Which I got to work in my displayQuizQuestions function in the Quiz class. But now I cant get it to work in my student class. I keep trying different stuff but nothing is working. Could anyone take a look at my code and give me some advice on what I'm doing wrong? Here is what I have right now, sorry for the mess I am changing stuff over and over and trying different things to get it to work.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <limits>
int score;
class questions//base class
protected://using protected rather than private for inheritance to subclasses 
	std::string question;
	std::string answer;
	int value;
	std::string questionType;


	virtual questions::~questions()


	std::string getQuestion()//gets the question
		return question;

	virtual int getValue() //gets the point value of the question
		return value;

	virtual std::string getQuestionType()// gets the type of question
		return questionType;

	virtual void setQuestion(std::string answer, int value)
	virtual void setNewQuestion(std::string answer, int value)
	virtual void printOptions()

	virtual std::string getAnswer()
		return answer;

class tfQuestion : public questions// subclass of questions class for true and false questions
	std::string options;
	std::string a1;


	void setQuestion(std::string theQuestion, int pointValue)
		std::string theAnswer;
		questionType = "TF";
		question = theQuestion;
		value = pointValue;
		options = "true/false";
		//get the answer from the file
		std::getline(std::cin, theAnswer);
		answer = theAnswer;

	/*void setNewQuestion(std::string theQuestion, int pointValue)
	std::string theAnswer;
	questionType = "TF";
	question = theQuestion;
	value = pointValue;
	options = "true/false";
	//get the answer from user
	std::cout << "Enter answer true/false\n";
	std::getline(std::cin, theAnswer);
	answer = theAnswer;

	int getValue() //gets the point value of the question
		return value;

	std::string getQuestionType()// gets the type of question
		return questionType;

	std::string getQuestion()
		return question;

	void printOptions()//prints the options for that question
		std::cout << question << std::endl;

		//std::cout << answer << std::endl;//this stops output of answer for TF

	std::string getAnswer()//outputs the answer for that question
		return answer;

class mcQuestion : public questions//subclass of questions class for multiple choice questions
	int numberOfOptions;
	std::string mcAnswers[6];


	void setQuestion(std::string theQuestion, int pointValue)
		std::string line;
		questionType = "MC";
		std::getline(std::cin, line);
		numberOfOptions = atoi(line.c_str());
		question = theQuestion;
		value = pointValue;
		//get the individual choice lines and load to options array
		for (int count = 0; count < numberOfOptions; count++)
			std::getline(std::cin, line);
			mcAnswers[count] = line;
		//get the answer from the file and load into answer
		std::getline(std::cin, line);
		answer = line;

	/*	void setNewQuestion(std::string theQuestion, int pointValue)

	std::string line;
	questionType = "MC";
	//get the number of choices from the user
	/*std::cout << "Enter the number of choices:  ";
	std::getline(std::cin, line);
	numberOfOptions = atoi(line.c_str());

	question = theQuestion;
	value = pointValue;
	//get the individual choice lines and load to options array
	for (int count = 0; count < numberOfOptions; count++)
	std::cout << "\nEnter next option:  ";
	std::getline(std::cin, line);
	mcAnswers[count] = line;
	//get the answer from the user and load into answer
	std::cout << "\nEnter Answer:  ";
	std::getline(std::cin, line);
	answer = line;
	}	*/

	void printOptions()// prints the questions, options, and answer
		char first = 'A';
		std::cout << question << std::endl;
		for (int count = 0; count < numberOfOptions; count++)
			std::cout << "(" << first++ << "): " << mcAnswers[count] << "\n";
		//std::cout << answer << "\n";//This stops output of answer on MC

	int getValue() //gets the point value of the question
		return value;

	std::string getQuestionType()// gets the type of question
		return questionType;

	std::string getAnswer()// prints the answer
		return answer;

class Quiz : public questions
	std::string fileName;
	//questions *myQuestions[10];
	//int numberOfQuestions;
	std::string theAnswer;
	std::string qtype;
	std::string theAnswerIs;
	std::string ans[6];
	questions *myQuestions[6];
	int numberOfQuestions;
	int pointValue[6];
	int totalPossiblePoints = 0;



	void setloadQuiz(int num)
		std::ifstream infile;
		//checking to see if user specified file exist, as well as making sure the user has used the correct format
		while (!infile.is_open())
			std::cout << "Please enter the .txt file name: " << std::endl;
			std::getline(std::cin, fileName);
			//fileName += ".txt";
			infile.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
			if (infile)
			std::cout << "Either the file doesn't exist or you forgot the .txt extension. ";
			std::cout << "Please try again. " << std::endl << std::endl;//promt user to try again if the file name is invalid

		//std::ifstream infile("quiz.txt");
		std::streambuf *cinbuf = std::cin.rdbuf();       //save old buf
		std::cin.rdbuf(infile.rdbuf());             //redirect std::cin to infile.txt!

		std::string line;
		std::string theQuestion;
		std::string questiontype;
		//std::string theAnswer;
		int  questionvalue;

		while (true)//error check to ensure the file has an acceptable amount of questions

			//get the number of questions from the first line in the file
			//std::getline(infile, line);
			std::getline(std::cin, line);
			numberOfQuestions = atoi(line.c_str());
			if (numberOfQuestions != 6)
				std::cout << "Error! The quiz has too many or too litte questions. The desired amount is \'6\'" << std::endl;
				std::cout << "Please check the file to ensure there is an acceptable amount of questions." << std::endl;
		for (int count = 0; count < numberOfQuestions; count++)
			//std::getline(infile, line);
			std::getline(std::cin, line);
			//get the next line with the question type and the value of the question
			int npos = line.size();
			int prev_pos = 0;
			int pos = 0;
			while (line[pos] != ' ')
			questiontype = line.substr(prev_pos, pos - prev_pos);
			prev_pos = ++pos;
			questionvalue = atoi(line.substr(prev_pos, npos - prev_pos).c_str()); // Last word

			if (questiontype == "TF")//do this if questiontype = TF
				myQuestions[count] = new tfQuestion;
				//std::getline(infile, line);
				std::getline(std::cin, theQuestion);
				myQuestions[count]->setQuestion(theQuestion, questionvalue);

			if (questiontype == "MC")//do this if questiontype = MC
				myQuestions[count] = new mcQuestion;
				//std::getline(infile, line);
				std::getline(std::cin, theQuestion);
				myQuestions[count]->setQuestion(theQuestion, questionvalue);

		std::cin.rdbuf(cinbuf);//restore cin to standard input
		infile.close();//close the file stream
		//return numberOfQuestions;

	int getloadQuiz()
		return numberOfQuestions;

	void setdisplayQuizQuestions(int num)
		score = 0;
		//print out the questions that have been processed
		for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
			qtype = myQuestions[i]->getQuestionType();
			std::cout << qtype << " " << myQuestions[i]->getValue() << "\n";
			theAnswerIs = myQuestions[i]->getAnswer();
			std::cout << theAnswerIs << std::endl;
			std::cout << "\n";
			std::cout << "Please enter your answer: ";
			std::cin >> ans[i];
			std::cout << ans[i].size() << "\n" << theAnswerIs.size() << std::endl;

			if (!theAnswerIs.empty() && theAnswerIs[theAnswerIs.size() - 1] == '\r')
				theAnswerIs.erase(theAnswerIs.size() - 1);
			std::cout << ans[i].size() << "\n" << theAnswerIs.size() << std::endl;
			if (theAnswerIs == ans[i])
				std::cout << "You are correct, the answer is: " << theAnswerIs << '\n';
				std::cout << "Your current score is " << score << std::endl;
				std::cout << "Incorrect, the correct answer is: " << theAnswerIs << std::endl;
				std::cout << "Your score is " << score << std::endl;
		int getdisplayQuizQuestions()
			return 0;
		/*		for (int i = 0; i < numquestions; i++)
					pointValue[i] = myQuestions[i]->getValue();
				for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
					std::cout << "the point value of each question is " << pointValue[i] << std::endl;
					totalPossiblePoints += pointValue[i];
					std::cout << "The total possible points are: " << totalPossiblePoints << std::endl;

				std::cout << totalPossiblePoints << std::endl;
				//delete myQuestions[10];
//Above works if uncommented to display the total points possible based on what the question value is in the file 
//but I cant get it to work when trying to implement in the student class...

	int  getPointValue()
			for (int i = 0; i < numberOfQuestions; i++)
					pointValue[i] = myQuestions[i]->getValue();
				for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
					std::cout << "the point value of each question is " << pointValue[i] << std::endl;
					totalPossiblePoints += pointValue[i];
					std::cout << "The total possible points are: " << totalPossiblePoints << std::endl;
				std::cout << totalPossiblePoints << std::endl;
		return totalPossiblePoints;
	void setPointValue(int num)
		for (int i = 0; i < numberOfQuestions; i++)
					pointValue[i] = myQuestions[i]->getValue();
				for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
					std::cout << "the point value of each question is " << pointValue[i] << std::endl;
					totalPossiblePoints += pointValue[i];
					std::cout << "The total possible points are: " << totalPossiblePoints << std::endl;
				std::cout << totalPossiblePoints << std::endl;
class Student
	int pointsPossible;
	int pointsScored = 0;
	std::string name;
	int yourScore = 0;

	//int totalScore;


/*	void student()
		std::cout << "Please enter your name" << std::endl;
		std::getline(std::cin, name);
		std::cout << "Hello " << name << std::endl
			<< "The total possible points are: " << pointsPossible << std::endl
			<< "You scored " << score << " points out of " << pointsPossible << " possible points." << std::endl;
	int getPointsPossible()
		return pointsPossible;
	void setPointsPossible(int num)
		Quiz obj;
		num = 0;
		num = obj.getPointValue();


/*pointsPossible = getPointValue();
		std::cout << "Please enter your name" << std::endl;
		std::getline(std::cin, name);
		std::cout << "Hello " << name << std::endl
			<< "The total possible points are: " << pointsPossible << std::endl
			<< "You scored " << score << " points out of " << pointsPossible << " possible points." << std::endl;

	int Score()
		yourScore = score;
		return yourScore;
	int getPointValue()
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			Quiz::pointValue[i] = Quiz::myQuestions[i]->getValue();
		for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
			std::cout << "the point value of each question is " << pointValue[i] << std::endl;
			totalPossiblePoints += pointValue[i];
			std::cout << "The total possible points are: " << totalPossiblePoints << std::endl;

		std::cout << totalPossiblePoints << std::endl;
		return totalPossiblePoints;

int menu()
	int selection = 0;

	std::cout << "Please select an option from the list below." << std::endl;
	//display the menu
	std::cout << "Menu";
	std::cout << "======" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "1 - Load quiz." << std::endl;
	std::cout << "2 - Take quiz." << std::endl;
	std::cout << "3 - Show quiz results." << std::endl;
	std::cout << "4 - Press 4 to exit." << std::endl << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Enter selection: ";
	// read user selection
	while (true)//while loop to ensure user selects an option on the menu
		std::cin >> selection;
		if (std::cin.fail())//if() to make sure an endless loop doesn't happen if a char is entered.
			std::cerr << "Please enter an integer number." << std::endl;
			std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
		if (selection == 1 || selection == 2 || selection == 3 || selection == 4)//if() to make sure only the options on the menu are avaible to select 
		std::cout << "The options are: \'1\'\'2\'\'3\' or \'4\': ";
	return selection;

int main()

	Student Sobj;
	Quiz obj;
	int num = 0;

	int selection = 0;
	//std::string quizName = "quiz.txt";

	while ((selection = menu()) != 4)
		switch (selection)
		case 1:
			std::cout << "You selected - Load quiz." << std::endl;
			num = obj.getloadQuiz();

		case 2:
			std::cout << "You selected - Take quiz." << std::endl << std::endl;
			std::cout << "========== Quiz: ==========" << std::endl;
			num = obj.getdisplayQuizQuestions();

		case 3:
			std::cout << "You selected - Show quiz results." << std::endl;
			//need to call a function that displays the results after taking the quiz
			num = Sobj.getPointsPossible();

		case 4:

			//if  1, 2, or 3 is not selected then go to the default case
		default: std::cout << "Invalid selection. Please try again.\n";
			// no break in the default case
	std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Thank you for using this program. Goodbye.";
	return 0;

On this line pointValue[i] = myQuestions[i]->getValue(); the myQuestions[i] array says myQuestions is undefined on the watch list in the debugger. Also sometimes after I try something different it says:
myQuestions[i]->getValue a pointer to a bound function may only be used to call the function
the output on the console for both errors are the same the long random negative numbers. Which I am guessing is why I am getting these random negative number instead of whats in the file. I keep trying to figure out how to fix it but nothing seems to work. The only way I can get it to work is if I take the code in the new int setPointValue() function, eliminate the two new functions I have at the end of the quiz class and put the code inside of the void displayQuizQuestions(int numquestions). I think I understand why it works there and not in the new function. Because myQuestions[i] is no longer in scope since it left the function and moved to a different one. I can't figure out how to retrieve the data that I need from outside the scope of that function.