I bring up a window which stays up for 3 seconds, after which it automatically closes. The mechanism for this is that I have a worker thread which sends WM_CLOSE message to this window after 3 seconds and the thread ends as well having done its job.

The problem is that I need to bring window up again based on user action but there is no good way how can I tell if this window is already up or not.

void CDemoDlg::ShowStatusWnd()
	m_pWnd = new CStatusWnd;
	// create and display
	m_hwndSafeWnd = m_pWnd->GetSafeHwnd();
The CStatusWnd has the thread function which sends it WM_CLOSE

UINT CStatusWnd::EndStatusWnd(LPVOID pParam) // thead function
	CStatusWnd * wnd = (CStatusWnd *) pParam;
	::PostMessage( wnd->m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 );	
The problem is I keep track of CStatusWnd with m_pWnd pointer but how do I know [in ShowStatusWnd() function] that I have window up or it contains lefover values? Is there a way I can set to NULL when window is destroyed?

Another question with this is should I be deleting the C++ object in PostNcDestroy() handler like below?

void CStatusWnd::PostNcDestroy()
   delete this;