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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Angry Search for a repeated subtsring and print out all the string value only once in java


    I am trying to read the a string that shows the version name from a text file and print it. I only want to print the string once as it occurs a few times in the text log file. I managed it with the code below that should do it but keep it compilation errors. the string I am interested in the file is as follow: Version software 219 build. The error I am getting is: The constructor FileReader(String) is undefined

     Map<String,Integer> map=new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        		    FileReader freader = new FileReader("C:\\abc.log");
        		    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(freader);
        		    String s, t = "";
        		    while((s = br.readLine()) != null) {
        		    t = t + s;
        		    String b[] = t.split("\n");
        		    int j = 0;
        		    while(j < b.length) {
        		        String c[] = b[j].split(" ");
        		        for(int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
        		            if(c[i].equals("Version")) {
        		                String r = "";
        		                for(int k = i; k < i+4; k++)
        		                    r = r + c[k] + " ";
        		                map.put(r, j);
        		    Map<String, Integer> mapResult;
        			for (Entry<String, Integer>  entry : mapResult.entrySet()) {
        		         String distance = entry.getKey();
        		         Integer value = entry.getValue();
    Can anyone check how to fix it and if it work on their set up?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Search for a repeated subtsring and print out all the string value only once in j

    Quote Originally Posted by hm99 View Post
    The error I am getting is: The constructor FileReader(String) is undefined
    Are you sure you have imported everything you should? Add these,


    Are you sure you haven't defined your own FileReader class. Try this to make sure you're using the right FileReader, freader = new"C:\\abc.log");
    Last edited by wolle; February 17th, 2018 at 03:16 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 1999
    Eastern Florida

    Re: Search for a repeated subtsring and print out all the string value only once in j

    The readLine method stops reading data when it finds a lineend and returns the data without the lineend character. The split won't find the \n
    Concatenating s and t without an intervening character would concatenate the end of one line with the start of the next line.

    Note: single letter variable names makes the code hard to read and understand. variable names should describe the data they hold.

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