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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Connect to a SQL online database on Android Studio


    Would anybody have any code that I could look at on how to connect my Android Studio app to my online SQL database?

    I'm really struggling to get it working, I simply just want to log-in a user.
    I've tried many tutorials but none have worked and I would appreciate help when doing it.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Arjay's Avatar
    Arjay is offline Moderator / EX MS MVP Power Poster
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: Connect to a SQL online database on Android Studio

    What connection string are you using? Also, are you able to connect to the sql machine from a different machine using SSMS (Sql Server Management Studio). Lastly, when you say "Online SQL", do you mean SQL hosted in the cloud like through Azure or AWS?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Re: Connect to a SQL online database on Android Studio

    Quote Originally Posted by Arjay View Post
    What connection string are you using? Also, are you able to connect to the sql machine from a different machine using SSMS (Sql Server Management Studio). Lastly, when you say "Online SQL", do you mean SQL hosted in the cloud like through Azure or AWS?

    It's a hosted SQL database on a domain package that I bought.

    I have a website also connected to the database, but just can't understand how to get the app to (I'm not as knowledgeable in App making as I am in website making).


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