I am developing an MFC dialog application that interfaces to a device through a provided API. One of the functions within the API enters a polling loop, so to keep my dialog active while the API is polling, I have created a thread to handle all of that, but the thread only runs if the calling dialog is stuck waiting for a MessageBox. This is my first MFC app, so forgive my ignorance with much of this.

I'll try to summarize what I'm doing now:

The main dialog app is contained in this class:
class CTelloSPI6Dlg : public CDialogEx

A public member function in CTelloSPI6Dlg serves as the thread:
static UINT SPI_Comm_Thread(LPVOID pParam);

It's started here:
AfxBeginThread( SPI_Comm_Thread, (LPVOID) &tmpHWND, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);

This works, except for one thing: The new thread, SPI_Comm_Thread only functions if the calling dialog app is sitting, waiting for the user to click OK on a MessageBox. In other words, when AfxBeginThread starts the thread, nothing will happen with the thread unless a MessageBox is brought up in the calling code. Once the thread is running, if the MessageBox is closed, then SPI_Comm_Thread stops running. It doesn't exit or terminate, it just quits running.

Is this because the dialog app is created as a modal dialog?
Take a look here:
BOOL CTelloSPI6App::InitInstance()
CTelloSPI6Dlg dlg;
m_pMainWnd = &dlg;
INT_PTR nResponse = dlg.DoModal();

Is it possible to change it to a modeless dialog without recreating everything?

I have tried changing the priority of SPI_Comm_Thread, but that doesn't change anything.
