I have a ton of data that I want to present in a dataGridView. The columns change from time to time. So I am using a List<Class> datasource to bind to the datagridview to help manage all of this, and so far that is working well.

But I am wondering if there is a better way to structure the class itself for ease in accessing the data it contains.

I have numeric data that needs to be stored as numeric data but presented as formatted strings in the control. So I have set up private fields for storing the numeric data and created set{fieldname}(foo) and get{fieldname}() methods to access the data in the private fields. Then I link the public properties to formatted strings derived from the private data.

Is that a smart way to do it? Is there a better way? I am a bit of a noob with C# and trying to learn best practices or at least better practices.

Here is a test example of the kind of class that I might bind to the control as a list:

public class clsTest
    // Private data that isn't part of the datasource
    private String FNameValue = String.Empty;
    private Decimal SignBonusValue = 0;
    private int SalaryTypeValue = 1;
    private Decimal SalaryValue = Convert.ToDecimal(50000);

    // Methods to assign values to private data
    public void setSignBonus(Decimal v)
        this.SignBonusValue = v;
    public void setSalaryType(int v)
        this.SalaryTypeValue = v;
    public void setSalary(Decimal v)
        this.SalaryValue = v;

    // Methods to return values from private data
    public Decimal getSignBonus()
        return this.SignBonusValue;
    public int getSalaryType()
        return this.SalaryTypeValue;
    public Decimal setSalary()
        return this.SalaryValue;

    // Public properties that are used by the datasource:
    public String FName => this.FNameValue;
    public String SignBonus => String.Format("${0,10:#,##0.00}", this.SignBonusValue);
    public String Salary => this.SetItemString(this.SalaryTypeValue, this.SalaryValue);

    public clsTest(String s)
        this.FNameValue = s;

    private String SetItemString(int v, Decimal o)
        String Item = String.Empty;
        switch (v)
            case 1:
                Item = "Base";
            case 2:
                Item = "Commission";
        return String.Format("{0} = {1:C2}", Item, o);
Then I would call something like this to populate some data:
    void Test_Person()

        Decimal v = Convert.ToDecimal(23.05);