I have a CDialog derived dialog which has a CFormView derived member which has a number of CEdit derived controls placed on it.

Based on business rules at runtime one of the CEdit derived controls should receive the focus when the dialog is displayed. In the OnInitialUpdate override of the CFormView derived class (called from owning dialogs OnInitDialog method which returns FALSE to indicate that we have set the focus on a control) the specific control is determined and focus is set to that control with the following call:

PostMessage(WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)pFocusEdit->GetSafeHwnd(), TRUE);

When the dialog is displayed there is no caret displayed within the control. It is outlined in the blue colour showing that it has focus, if I start typing the text is displayed but still no caret. If I TAB to the next control the caret is displayed there and if I TAB back it is now displayed in the originally focused control.
Alternatively, after the dialog is initially displayed and the caret is not showing If I shift the active window to another app (e.g. visual studio) and then actiavte the app again then the caret does appear in the CEdit control.

Any suggestions as to how I can ensure that the desired CEdit control receives focus on display of the dialog and that the caret is displayed?
