August 25th, 2020, 11:34 PM
How can I retrieve the configuration values in a MainViewModel system
In WPF I have created a form "Configuration.xaml" to enter the configuration values of my program. It contains a DevExpress "Hamburguermenu" control so that, when clicking on each menu option, different subforms appear, such as "Configuration_General.xaml", with the corresponding TextBox and ComboBox values.
The DevExpress "Hamburguermenu" control introduces the different menu options using the "MainViewModel.cs" system.
"Configuration.xaml" contains a "Save" button that starts the subform "configuracion_save.xaml" which is where there is a process that must collect the TextBox and ComboBox values from each subform in order to store them in a file.
The problem is, I don't know how to retrieve the TextBox and ComboBox values from each subform in order to save them.
<dx:ThemedWindow x:Class="Name_MainWindow_Configuracion.MainWindow_Configuracion"
Loaded="Fcn_OnWindowLoaded" Closing="Fcn_WindowClosing" Closed="Window_Closed"
Title="ConfiguraciĆ³n" dx:ThemeManager.ThemeName="Office2016ColorfulSE" Width="850" Height="500">
<ResourceDictionary Source="ItemTemplates.xaml"/>
<dxwui:HamburgerMenu x:Name="Form_HamburgerMenu" AvailableViewStates = "Inline" Margin="0,0,2,0" OpenPaneWidth = "190" Visibility="Visible"
ItemsSource = "{Binding HamburgerMenuItems}"
BottomBarItemsSource = "{Binding HamburgerMenuBottomBarItems}"
IsMenuVisible = "{Binding IsMenuVisible}"
SelectedItem = "{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}"
NavigationTarget = "{Binding ElementName=service}">
<dxwuin:FrameNavigationService x:Name="service"/>
namespace Name_MainWindow
{ public class MainViewModel : DevExpress.Mvvm.NavigationViewModelBase
{ public System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<Name_MainWindow.IHamburgerMenuItemViewModel> HamburgerMenuItems { get; }
public System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<Name_MainWindow.IHamburgerMenuBottomBarItemViewModel> HamburgerMenuBottomBarItems { get; }
public bool IsMenuVisible
{ get{ return GetProperty(() => IsMenuVisible); }
set{ SetProperty(() => IsMenuVisible, value); }
public IHamburgerMenuItemViewModel SelectedItem
{ get{ return GetProperty(() => SelectedItem); }
set{ SetProperty(() => SelectedItem, value, OnSelectedItemChanged); }
public MainViewModel()
HamburgerMenuItems = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<Name_MainWindow.IHamburgerMenuItemViewModel>(InitializeMenuItems());
HamburgerMenuBottomBarItems = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<Name_MainWindow.IHamburgerMenuBottomBarItemViewModel>(InitializeBottomBarItems());
SelectedItem = HamburgerMenuItems[0];
IsMenuVisible = true;
protected virtual System.Collections.Generic.IList<IHamburgerMenuItemViewModel> InitializeMenuItems()
{ string Mensaje = null;
var IHamburgerMenuItem_List = new System.Collections.Generic.List<IHamburgerMenuItemViewModel>();
// --------------------
// HOME.
// --------------------
Mensaje = "Home";
IHamburgerMenuItem_List.Add(new NavigationItemModel(Mensaje){ NavigationTarget = typeof(Name_MainWindow_Configuracion.MainWindow_Configuracion_Inicio), Glyph = "../images/configuracion/configuracion_home.png" });
IHamburgerMenuItem_List.Add(new SeparatorItem());
// --------------------
// --------------------
Mensaje = "General";
IHamburgerMenuItem_List.Add(new NavigationItemModel(Mensaje){ NavigationTarget = typeof(Name_MainWindow_Configuracion.MainWindow_Configuracion_General), Glyph = "../images/configuracion/configuracion_general.png" });
IHamburgerMenuItem_List.Add(new SeparatorItem());
// --------------------
// SAVE.
// --------------------
Mensaje = "Save";
IHamburgerMenuItem_List.Add(new NavigationItemModel(Mensaje){ NavigationTarget = typeof(Name_MainWindow_Configuracion.MainWindow_Configuracion_Save), IsAlternatePlacementItem = true, Glyph = "../images/configuracion/configuracion_save.png" });
return IHamburgerMenuItem_List;
protected virtual System.Collections.Generic.IList<IHamburgerMenuBottomBarItemViewModel> InitializeBottomBarItems()
return new System.Collections.Generic.List<IHamburgerMenuBottomBarItemViewModel>()
{ new BottomBarNavigationItemModel() { NavigationTarget = typeof(Name_MainWindow_Configuracion.MainWindow_Configuracion_Guardar),
Glyph = "../images/configuracion/configuracion_guardar.png", IsAlternatePlacementItem = true },
new BottomBarCheckableItemModel() { Glyph = "check.png" },
new BottomBarRadioItemModel("RadioGroup"){ Glyph = "Icons/Radio1.png" },
new BottomBarRadioItemModel("RadioGroup"){ Glyph = "Icons/Radio2.png" }
void OnSelectedItemChanged()
{ if (SelectedItem != null)
{ // IsMenuVisible = HamburgerMenuSelectedItem.Caption != "Simple Page";
<UserControl x:Class="Name_MainWindow_Configuracion.MainWindow_Configuracion_General"
d:DesignWidth="650" d:DesignHeight="450">
<ResourceDictionary Source="..\Templates\Templates.xaml" />
<Grid x:Name="Form_Programa" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
<Grid x:Name="Form_Superior_Grid">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="0" >
<!-- User Label. -->
<Grid x:Name="Form_UsuarioLabel_Grid">
<Label x:Name="User_Label" Style="{StaticResource Destacado}" Content="Usuario" Margin="5,10,0,0" Padding="0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Line X1="5" Y1="30" X2="175" Y2="30" Stroke="#A59E9E" StrokeThickness="2" />
<!-- User Textbox. -->
<TextBox x:Name="User_TextBox" Text="XXXXX" Style="{StaticResource TextBox_10}" Width="100" Height="15" Margin="75,10,0,0" Padding="0,2"
TextWrapping="Wrap" AcceptsReturn="False" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" VerticalContentAlignment="Top"/>
namespace Name_MainWindow_Configuracion
public partial class MainWindow_Configuracion_Guardar : System.Windows.Controls.UserControl
public MainWindow_Configuracion_Guardar()
{ InitializeComponent();
protected void Page_Load()
{ bool Fcn_Correcto = Fcn_AppDatos();
private bool Fcn_AppDatos()
{ bool Fcn_Correcto = false;
// AT THIS POINT I have to retrieve the values from each subform so that I can save them to a file.
// For example, in the form "general_configuration.cs" I have to retrieve the TextBox from the "User_TextBox" field.
return Fcn_Correcto;
Last edited by 2kaud; August 26th, 2020 at 02:26 AM.
Reason: Added code tags
August 26th, 2020, 04:53 AM
Re: How can I retrieve the configuration values in a MainViewModel system
In WPF, the xaml is bound to a data model. You would retrieve values from the model (not from the xaml). Search google for "wpf mvvm examples".
August 26th, 2020, 05:12 AM
Re: How can I retrieve the configuration values in a MainViewModel system
This case is different because the .cs are entered inside the Hambuguermenu control.
I open the form by:
// Configuracion Form. Open().
dynamic FrmFormulario = new Name_MainWindow_Configuracion.MainWindow_Configuracion();
And I can ask for FrmForm, but I don't know how to ask for something like: FrmForm.Form_HamburgerMenu.ItemsSource [1] .User_TextBox.Text
August 26th, 2020, 09:53 AM
Re: How can I retrieve the configuration values in a MainViewModel system
Post the question to the DevExpress forum.
August 26th, 2020, 08:08 PM
Re: How can I retrieve the configuration values in a MainViewModel system
Is not possible to post in DevExpress because License is required.
August 26th, 2020, 09:34 PM
Re: How can I retrieve the configuration values in a MainViewModel system
 Originally Posted by zequion
Is not possible to post in DevExpress because License is required.
How are you developing without a license?
August 26th, 2020, 09:50 PM
Re: How can I retrieve the configuration values in a MainViewModel system
The license costs $ 2,199 per year. I don't have a job and I entertain myself doing programs. cleared up !!
August 26th, 2020, 10:02 PM
Re: How can I retrieve the configuration values in a MainViewModel system
 Originally Posted by zequion
The license costs $ 2,199 per year. I don't have a job and I entertain myself doing programs. cleared up !!
Hope you find a job. Good luck.
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