i'm trying now testing the function:
'Convert all 3D vectors to 2D vectors(for screen):    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To 3
        Points(i) = ConvertPositon3DTo2D(NewPosition3D(i), WorldSize)
    Next i
    'change the brush and pen:
    'FillStyle = vbFSSolid
    'FillColor = vbRed
    DrawStyle = DrawStyleConstants.vbInvisible
    Polygon Me.hDC, Points(0), 4
    Dim points2(4) As POINTAPI
    points2(0) = Points(0)
    points2(1) = Points(1)
    points2(2) = Points(2)
    points2(3) = Points(3)
    PlgBlt Me.hDC, points2(0), Picture1.hDC, 0, 0, Picture1.ScaleWidth  , Picture1.ScaleHeight  , &O0, &O0, &O0
i did several tests but i only get like a line on a diagonal
i changed the points but i continue with bad results.
the points order:
- points(0) is the low-left;
- points(1) is the upper-left;
- points(2) is the upper-right;
- points(3) is the low-right;
and yes i did too:
 points2(0) = Points(1)
    points2(1) = Points(2)
    points2(2) = Points(3)
    points2(3) = Points(0)
but i get diagonal white line result
so what i'm doing wrong?