this seems to be a common task - but I have no idea how to set about, nor could I find any helpful information in the windows manuals.

When my code enters in a lengthy evaluation of data, I want to be able to abort the execution of this loop. I have a dialog with a progress bar and a cancel-Button. But I cannot click this button while the process is running - so I cannot interrupt or abort the process. Here is my code (I am using fortran, if there is a forum on this site better suited for my problem, please let me know):

            hProgress = CreateDialog(NULL, IDD_PROGRESS, hWnd,  loc(DN_PrgrsDlgProc)) 
            cRslt = 'Schneller Vorlauf 'C
            iRslt = SetDlgItemText (hProgress, IDC_PROGRESSTEXT, cRslt)
            iRslt = UpdateWindow (hProgress)
            hBar = GetDlgItem (hProgress, IDC_PROGRESSBAR)
            iNSteps = (iRunEnd - iiSimZeit) / iiTimeStep
            iCount = 0   
            hAbort= GetDlgItem(hProgress, IDCANCEL)       
                iiSimZeit = iiSimZeit + iiTimeStep
                if (iiSimZeit .gt. 0) iRslt = DN_Update()       ! t = 0 wird von InitSim gef?llt, daher 0 ?berspringen!
                if (iiSImZeit .gt. iRunEnd) exit
                iRslt = DN_SetLoad ()                           ! EEG-Erzeugungen bestimmen
                iRslt = DN_EuroDispo ()                         ! Strom-Verteilung in Europa                  
                iRslt = DN_AutoDispatch()                       ! Residuallast ausgleichen
                irslt = DN_Eval()                               ! Netzstr?me errechnen
                !iRslt = DN_Redispatch()                        ! Knotenlasten, d.h. Kraftwerke und Kreise an die Netzkapazit?ten anpassen  
                iRslt = DN_SumUp ()                             ! Daten zusammenstellen
                nRun = nRun + 1
                iRslt = DN_OutComes(nRun)                       ! Ergebnisse ausgeben
                iCount = iCount + 1
                iRslt = iCount * 100 / iNSteps
                iRslt = SendMessage (hBar, PBM_SETPOS, iRslt, 0)
            lRslt = DestroyWindow (hProgress)
The loop runs for several minutes and I want to be able to stop it without stopping the application. I my mind this boils down to the question how I can make the cancel-button to react to mouse input. Once this is possible I may be able to check the state or process messages in my process-dialog-procedure.