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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    methods to fix "ordered comparison of pointer to integer 0" error, gcc 12.2


    I am rebuilding an older project. The last time I built this was with gcc/g++/gfortran 4.6. Rebuilding under gcc/g++gfortran 12.2 I received the "ordered comparison of pointer to integer 0" error for the following code.

    const int GBBUFSIZE = 512;
    char getbuf[GBBUFSIZE];
    else if( getbuf[0] == '>' && (strchr(getbuf, '<') > 0 || strstr(getbuf, "DT") > 0 ))
    The version 12.2 compiler doesn't like the strchr(getbuf, '<') > 0 or strstr(getbuf, "DT") > 0 evaluations.

    The strchr() function accepts a string/char array and a char(s) and returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the char in the array. The function returns NULL if the char is not found. I suspect that this is a pointer that points to NULL but I don't know.

    I didn't write this code but my interpretation of the above is that strchr(s, c) > 0 means that the char c was found in the string s so the condition evaluates true if the first char of the string getbuf is ">" and the string also contains either "<" or "DT". I don't remember everything about order of evaluation so please let me know if this is not correct.

    There are a few things I can think of to get this to compile.

    // use nullptr which I believe is the gcc11+ method
    else if( getbuf[0] == '>' && (strchr(getbuf, '<') != nullptr || strstr(getbuf, "DT") != nullptr ))
    // use NULL, which I think would work
    else if( getbuf[0] == '>' && (strchr(getbuf, '<') != NULL || strstr(getbuf, "DT") != NULL ))
    // declare a pointer to NULL and use that, not sure how this is different than just using NULL
    char* test_char = NULL;
    else if( getbuf[0] == '>' && (strchr(getbuf, '<') != test_char || strstr(getbuf, "DT") != test_char ))
    I have some questions, in no particular order.

    1. Do any of the above solutions inadvertently change the logic of the conditional?
    2. Which, if any, of these is the most portable?
    3. Are any of these solutions a bad idea, might lead to unexpected behavior, etc?
    4. Is there a better solution I didn't include?

    I did test compile this using nullptr and it does at least compile. I guess I would like to know if one of these solutions would still work with gcc4 or if I have to add a compiler directive so support the different compiler versions.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: methods to fix "ordered comparison of pointer to integer 0" error, gcc 12.2

    1. Do any of the above solutions inadvertently change the logic of the conditional?

    2. Which, if any, of these is the most portable?
    The ones that don't use nullptr.

    Are you using a C compiler or C++ compiler? only just recently added to C present in C++ for over a decade

    3. Are any of these solutions a bad idea, might lead to unexpected behavior, etc?
    char* test_char = NULL is just unnecessary extra verbiage.

    4. Is there a better solution I didn't include?
    You get the != NULL for free just by doing this:
    else if( getbuf[0] == '>' && (strchr(getbuf, '<') || strstr(getbuf, "DT")) )

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: methods to fix "ordered comparison of pointer to integer 0" error, gcc 12.2

    Sorry for the delay. Thanks for the great post. I wish that every answer I got was as clear and well explained.

    What you suggest in answer 4 is the kind of thing I just never think of. I will probably go with,

    else if( getbuf[0] == '>' && (strchr(getbuf, '<') != NULL || strstr(getbuf, "DT") != NULL ))
    because I will be more likely to remember what this is doing the next time I read it.

    Thanks again,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2024

    Re: methods to fix "ordered comparison of pointer to integer 0" error, gcc 12.2

    Hey there! I see you're dealing with that error in gcc 12.2. It?s crucial to remember that strchr and strstr return pointers that can be NULL, not to compare them with zero. Instead, you should just use:
    else if( getbuf[0] == '>' && (strchr(getbuf, '<') || strstr(getbuf, "DT")) )

    This simplifies your code and avoids pointer comparison issues. Great job testing different solutions! Good luck with your coding
    Last edited by VictorN; October 22nd, 2024 at 02:27 PM. Reason: Web link was removed.

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