Javascript has always confused me... I'd rather be coding in PHP...
Anyway, can someone give me advice on how to have the
complete list of people expanded on page load without having to click expand?
Code is below..

<ul class="tree">
	<li>(<a href="javascript:;" rel="{{ affiliate_id }}"{% if top_count > 0 %} class="load_subs" title="{{ text_expand }}"{% endif %}>{{ top_count }}</a>)  <strong>{{ text_self }}</strong><img src="{{ image_loading }}" class="loading" style="display:none;" /></li>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
$(document).ready(function() {
	$(document).on('click', '.load_subs', function() {
		//$(this).attr('title', ($(this).attr('title') == '{{ text_expand }}' ? '{{ text_collapse }}' : '{{ text_expand }}'));
		var _p = $(this).parent();
		var _this = $(this);
		if($(_p).find('ul').length < 1) {
				url: 'index.php?route=extension/module/mta/downline/l&affiliate_id='+$(_this).attr('rel'),
				dataType: 'json',
				success: function(_r) {
					for(var i = 0; i < _r.length; i++) {
						var _li = '<li>(';
						if(_r[i].c > 0) _li += '<a href="javascript:;" class="load_subs" rel="'+_r[i].affiliate_id+'">';
						_li += _r[i].c;
						if(_r[i].c > 0) _li += '</a>'
						_li += ') <span class="aff_name">'+_r[i].name+'</span> ';
						{% if %}
						_li += '<a href="mailto:'+_r[i].email+'" class="mailto-link">'+_r[i].email+'</a> ';
						{% endif %}						
						{% if %}
						_li += ' '+_r[i].telephone+' ';
						{% endif %}						
						_li += ' <img src="{{ image_loading }}" class="loading" style="display:none;" />';
						{% if show.earnings %}
						_li += '<span class="help">';
						_li += '{{ text_abbr_te }}: ' + _r[i].e_te + ' / ' + '{{ text_abbr_elm }}: ' + _r[i].e_elm;
						_li += '</span>';
						{% endif %}
						_li += ' </li>';
		} else {
	if($('.load_subs').length > 0) $('.load_subs').trigger('click');
